
Welcome to LongLegsBigCity! This blog will be a combination of things I encounter living in New York City, as well as problems of the almost-30-year-old city dweller (more about me here). It’s a broad subject, so instead of telling you more about what it will be, I’ll tell you what it definitely is NOT:

  • A Health Blog. I have been a fitness instructor for almost 11 years, and I love to work out, but I enjoy Halal Guys and fro yo way too much to write about health. Everything in moderation, right? More on my love for all-things-Halal coming soon.
  • A Fashion Blog. In High school, I wore Soffe cheerleading shorts and XL t-shirts every day to school. I was not a cheerleader. My style has not evolved much since then. I’ve upgraded my athleisure to lululemon but I still #LiveInActivewear. (Watch that video, you won’t regret it.)
  • A Travel Blog. Sometimes I go places, but it’s usually for friends’ weddings. And I definitely do not have the funds to go places just so I can blog about them. But if anyone wants to sponsor me…
  • A Dating Blog: I will tell you about the trials and tribulations I had for 5 years dating in New York (TRUST ME, I have enough material for a lifetime), but I’m no longer dating. Read: I have a boyfriend but he won’t let me talk about him.
  • A Legal Advice Blog. The one piece of legal advice I have: DO NOT GO TO LAW SCHOOL. Unless of course, “drowning in debt” is something you have on your life checklist.

You now know 5 things this blog will not be. If you’re still intrigued, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE (box on the right-hand toolbar) and I hope to entertain you with my random ruminations.

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