SoreLegsLongDistance – The First Three of 9+1

Welcome to the first installment of Recaps for #SoreLegsLongDistance, the road to 9+1. If you’re already lost, you probably didn’t read the introductory post. Go click on that link then come back here. Ok, are you back? Good. This isn’t a purely running blog, so I promise not to bore you with mile-by-mile recaps, like I did for the Half Marathon last year. Instead, I will do a quick 2-3 paragraph recap, in installments of 3. Plus one for my “plus one.” See what I did there?

I will try not to be that corny the whole time. Since this is a personal blog, I’m taking you all along on this personal journey of mine. There are sure to be “sore legs,” “long distances,” and probably some sprained ankles. But that didn’t look cool in the hashtag. So far, I am 5 races in, but I’ll stay true to my promise of not boring you by only writing about 3 at a time. Oh, and I promise lots of photos. I know that’s what y’all are here for anyway. Selfies of me in my race shirt with a bagel/apple/cup of water in my mouth. I will not disappoint.

Date: February 4th
Location: Central Park
Distance: 4 miles
Pace: 9:16

I expected this race to be cold, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought in February. After the Midnight Race, I was expecting frigid temps but I was able to wear my long-sleeved free New Balance shirt, as previously planned for all of my 9+1 races, and I was ok. The race course itself is what most runners call the “middle 4,” or, the middle 4 miles of Central Park. It almost always starts on the east side, with the biggest hill of the course, Cat Hill. From that point, it’s mostly smooth sailing until mile 3, when you think you may die again. The best part of the middle 4, is that the final mile is almost completely downhill. It lets you settle into a good cadence and finish strong. It’s always a good feeling to cross the finish line thinking you are going faster and stronger than the previous mile.

I was happy with my pace for this one, plus, because it was the Gridiron, on Superbowl Sunday, you get to run in a lane at the end to say who you want to win the big game. OBVIOUSLY I chose the Eagles, because nobody like the Patriots, and also because my parents live in Philly, and also because I love a good underdog story. We all know how that turned out (Fly Eagles Fly!) Race Success!

Washington Heights Salsa, Blues & Shamrocks
Date: March 4th
Location: Washington Heights & The Cloisters
Distance: 5K (3.1 miles)
Pace: 9:30

I had planned to train a bit more and run between the Gridiron and this race, but you know what they say about the best laid plans. I showed up to this race without having run even once since the February race. Luckily, it was only 5K distance. Unluckily, the entire course was hills. So. Many. Hills.
The course was beautiful, and I had never been to the Cloisters, so I got to see a bit of that beautiful scenery. It was nice to get out of Central Park, even though it is much less convenient for me. It was fun to ride the C train north that morning, where we picked up more race participants at every stop. It felt like a private NYRR shuttle!

Again, I ran wearing the long sleeve shirt NYRR gave for free with the race registration and again I was pleasantly surprised with the weather. I ran into a few friends from Runstreet Art Runs, which is always fun. There were people running up and down the streets warming up, but I was content hanging out chatting with friends. Maybe that is why I never run in the 8-min mile pace.
I waited for my friend to arrive, who lives around the corner, so she showed up with 30 seconds to spare. We started running together, but then I went ahead a bit. I decided not to wear headphones because it was supposed to be a Salsa & Blues Race, with bands playing music along the course. Unfortunately there were only two spots with bands, but it was fun to run without music, and take in the spectators.

With about one mile left, there was a woman standing next to the course screaming “only two more big hills then you are home free.” I wanted to punch that woman in the face. I did not want any more big hills. Not one, and definitely not two.

The best part of this race was after it was over. My friend lives in the neighborhood, and it was her birthday, so we went out to celebrate at El Malecon, an AMAZING Dominican restaurant with the best rotisserie chicken you’ll have in your life. It was delicious and I rolled myself out of there, completely forgetting that I had run a race.

Boomer’s Cystic Fibrosis Run to Breathe
Date: April 8th
Location: Central Park
Distance: 4 miles
Pace: 9:05

Another race, another “middle 4” in Central Park. I actually ran twice between the last race and this one, so I was determined to do better. Not only did I run faster, but I felt like I could have run even faster! I was a bit disappointed at the end because I felt I could have pushed harder, and gotten into the 8-min-mile-range club. I think the swimming cross-training really helped with tackling the hills. The good news is, I had another running partner buddy! My friend Amanda ran this race with me, so I had someone to hang out with in the corral.

This race was much colder than expected. Possibly even colder than the February and March races. Unfortunately, NYRR must have been thinking “April Race… short sleeves.” I had already made the commitment to run in the free shirts I get, so I froze to death. I had the forethought to wear gloves, at least. At the beginning of the race, I did not see one other person wearing the t-shirt without another layer underneath. I guess I am a trendsetter. By mile three, everyone was shedding layers and I was finally comfortable. 3 down, 6 to go!

Total Miles To Date: 11.1

Average Pace To Date: 9:17

Total Free Tshirts To Date: 3

Total Selfies With Post-Race Treats In My Mouth: Too Many To Count.

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