Here are some things I love about being an alive-baby-mom:
- Looking at him every day and realizing he’s alive.
- Looking at him every day and wondering who he looks like. So far, neither of us, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d be mildly concerned.
- Looking at him every day. (Sensing a trend?)
- Taking a million photos and knowing my camera roll is full of cuteness.
- Comparing him from weeks prior and watching him grow. He’s so alive!
- The looks I get when I wear him in the carrier. Everyone on the sidewalk smiles or makes little pouty faces at me and says, “aww he’s brand new!”
- Wondering what his personality will be like, and when he will mimic our facial expressions.
- Matching outfits, or semi-matching. Many more to come, I’m sure.
- His tiny little fists when he’s hungry. TBH that’s how I feel when I’m hungry, too.
- Walking past playgrounds and thinking about days I’ll be there playing as opposed to how I used to walk by and wonder if I’d ever get to go there and play.
- How he grabs on to anything and everything, especially Maliyah’s necklace or the collar of my shirt, less cute when it’s my hair.
- The hilarious newborn-mom Instagram reels. Maybe they’re funnier at 4 am while I’m up feeding, but they’re pretty dang funny.
- I’ve always been a night owl, but I can finally get to sleep before midnight! Even before 10 some nights.
Here are some of the less glorious parts of being an alive-baby-mom:
- Sleep deprivation
- Constant grimey body, covered in who knows what
- Having your cleaner come over and realizing that you have used your shower once since the last time she cleaned it.
- Extreme exhaustion
- Every part of your body aching from holding, burping, holding, walking, holding, feeding, holding
- I’m not even going to get into the boob problems. Save that for another time.
- The fact that it takes hours to get anywhere, and sometimes you just don’t get anywhere all day
- Watching Instagram stories of other people doing things out in the world and wondering if you’ll ever leave the house again
But, he’s alive. And the new adventures are just beginning. I cannot wait for him to start smiling at us, they say it will happen SOON. And then, I can’t wait for him to actually recognize/see me and smile when I get close to him. More exciting days are coming!