It’s the day before THE PARADE, so I think it’s time,
To talk about Macy’s and write a little rhyme.
You know my obsession with the parade runs deep,
I’m out on the streets while you’re all still asleep.
I’ve been watching for decades and some may say I’m obsessed,
But the parade runs in my family and I’d say I’m (hashtag) #blessed.
In rain, sleet or snow, I line the street at 6,
To get my giant balloon and Santa Claus fix.

Last year was special and you know why,
For the first time, I marched WITH those characters in the sky.
I was a part of the action as a Viking Clown,
You probably know this, I wrote 8 blogs, I need to calm down.
But I’m not done yet, there are more posts to come,
I’m now officially a Macy’s Clown Alum!
This year is my SECOND one marching downtown,
This year I’m not a Viking, but a BREAKFAST CLOWN!
Butter, eggs or toast, the choices were tough,
Luckily for me, they were all delicious foodstuffs.
Unfortunately, my exact costume I don’t get to pick,
And I was sort of hoping for the butter stick.
However, the one I got has more mobility,
To prance 2.5 miles of Manhattan, I need my agility!
Tomorrow I’ll be on the streets as a PIECE OF TOAST,
I’ll be throwing confetti and doing the most.
Do not fret if you can’t find my bread,
There’s another way to find me – the butter on my head!
I’ll be in a yellow beanie and a gingham suit of red,
I’m not the full butter stick, but I’ll have a pad on my head instead!

If you’re tuning in from home, here’s how to find me,
After the turkey float, Macy’s Stars, and Snoopy.
If the balloon doesn’t fly because of bad weather,
You can find me after the Peanuts float, they travel together!
I’ll be in the first ten minutes if you’re watching from the street,
But if you’re at home, on the couch, and off your feet,
I’ll be an hour after that, because it takes time to walk,
There are 40 streets and many, many roadblocks.
Don’t forget to set your alarm clocks,
Turn on the TV and watch like hawks,
Some clowns are weird and easy to mock,
But my bread get-up is the SEXIEST frock.
All those years I was warned “you are what you eat,”
I’m 5 foot 11 – I’ve never been petite.
I love all the foods, sweet, savory and an occasional treat,
But in my year-long quest to be a marathon athlete
My carb-loading journey is finally complete,
Have an amazing Thanksgiving, I hope you have cable,
Or watch live on Youtube, if you’re able!
Ha ha ha. THIS is what you do at work??? Hilarious!!!
I love how you boast
That you will be toast.
You’re a poet like your mother,
Hope you don’t drown in the butter.